Monday 16 July 2012

Another Mindless EDL Post Dissected

The English Defence League (EDL)’s anti-Islamic, racist and hate-filled rhetoric is visible a mile off. And yet again, on the official EDL Facebook Page, we found a badly-written post that proves it.

Like we did with the EDL's Mission Statement, we will add our notes in brackets at the end of each ridiculous statement.
Quote: ‘The EDL is not a racist or fascist organisation. [Verbal, physical and online rhetoric by the EDL proves otherwise] You clearly have no understanding of what the EDL is about. [Who?] The EDL campaigns against a barbaric cult stuck in the seventh century. [So the EDL doesn’t ‘promote the understanding of Islam’ like it says in the Mission Statement?] Islam is not a race it is an ideaology. [Spell ideology correctly please] The EDL has nothing against people it is against all forms of oppression.Do you think it right to treat women like chattels? [What’s a chattel? Do you mean cattle?] Do you think it is right that muslim men have their wives walking round imprisoned in black funeral shrouds taking their identity away from them? [What about woman wearing veils at funerals? What about nuns? And no, not all Muslim women wear the burqa, only a minority do] Is it right that Pakistani muslims should be allowed to molest English children because it is acceptable in their culture? [It certainly isn't acceptable in their culture. And is this racism?] Is it right to enforce sharia law,what's wrong with one law for all?"Cherish the multicultural society we live in"-you lot are completely clueless. [By the sounds of it, you seem clueless] Multiculturalism is the reason we live in a divided nation with islamic ghettoes up and down the country. [If true, 'Islamic ghettoes' would not be the only factor, and the EDL does nothing but increase these divides too so this is mindless fear-mongering] Multiculturalism has failed,people who come to live in Britain should integrate and assimilate into British culture not carry on living as seventh century barbarians.Just remember when their are enough muslims they will start to take over [Mindless fear-mongering] and you will see the results of your cherished multiculturalism. [Multicultarism isn’t only about Muslims] Don't think for one minute life will be like it is now.There will be no freedom for the individual,there will be only subjugation and suffering for the non believer [Mindless fear-mongering]
Bad grammar, fear-mongering rhetoric and a lack of knowledge about multiculturalism

As we can see, this admin has a bad literacy level. On a more serious note, the admin believes in conspiracies such as that of Sharia law taking over, that studies have actually proven wrong. He/she also seems to affiliate multiculturalism to simply Muslims only, and this proves how narrow-minded this post is.

Contradicting the Mission Statement

Most of all, the failure to teach people about Islam in a balanced way (and not just insulting it with no constructive criticism whatsoever) contradicts what the EDL’s Mission Statement says!
Quote: ‘(3) PUBLIC EDUCATION: Ensuring That The Public Get A Balanced Picture Of Islam
Quote: The EDL promotes the understanding of Islam
The lack of tolerance is rather appalling and the EDL's Mission Statement is nothing but an attempt to make the organisation look good, because even it's own members fail to act by it!

Further reading:
  1. Dissecting The EDL Mission Statement

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