Friday 28 December 2012

EDL Leader Does Fraud... EDL Want Money

Groups such as the English Defence League (EDL) would probably be the last place you’d want to leave your money, seriously.

The EDL leader Tommy Robinson was arrested for mortgage fraud, and yet, the EDL and their allies are wanting money for his ‘legal funds’.

But the EDL has asked for various donations in the past for causes that don’t exactly make sense (here), and even the Sikh Defence League leader has been under fire for not giving back owed money (here).

Hence, people should be very wary as to who the money goes to. There is no assurance where donated money goes and what it is used on. There is no transparency in finances.

The EDL leader being arrested for fraud hits the last nail in the coffin.


Far-right Islamophobic ‘loonsRobert Spencer from JihadWatch, and Pamela Geller of AtlasShrugs, close allies of the EDL leader, have urged people to donate.

According to a September 2010 Politico investigation David Horowitz’s Freedom Center has channelled at least $1 million to Robert Spencer’s JihadWatch over the past three years. You’d probably think that these two would be able to pay for Robinson’s ‘legal funds’ themselves.


  1. Spencer and Geller are cash-strapped.

    1. You forgot stupid and bigoted :D
