Tuesday 24 April 2012

Giving Children An Education Is ‘Creeping Sharia’ According To Yorkshire EDL Division

There tends to be a lot of fear-mongering around the EDL network, trying to scare fellow members and others that Islam and Sharia Law is ‘taking over’, when we’ve found that Sharia Law is nearly impossible to implement in the UK as law of the land. Click here to read why.

Nevertheless, the Yorkshire EDL Halifax Division posted a link mentioning a faith school (there are many in the UK), and its positive proposition plans.

Is it creeping Sharia to give children an education?

The headmaster is not even a Muslim.

The article that was linked mentioned this and we expected the EDL Division would have noticed. Sadly not. One supporter then went on to say it was a ‘Training school for Terrorists !’.

The EDL have been in Halifax before, and cost the council approximately £336,000. Click here to read about it.

1 comment:

  1. Faith schools have been around for ages. One school being built is nothing. And the second comment is disgraceful >_>
