Monday 23 April 2012

Uh Oh! This Won't Go Down Well With The JDL

The EDL and JDL (the Jewish Defence League) seem to be the best of buddies. But this particular moment when EDL leader Tommy Robinson addressed his supporters at the EDL protest at Tower Hamlets seems to mock British Jews, nevermind only the JDL.

In the same speech, Tommy threatened the whole British Muslim community. But on the day, he was banned from attending the march and so he dressed up in a Jewish male garment with a fake beard to hide from the police. As he got up to the podium, he clearly said:
Quote: “You know how long I’ve been waiting to take this sh*t off”

This should’t be too good for the groups friendship.

Also, British Jews have no reason to support the EDL. Tommy clearly thinks its acceptable to mock a Jewish piece of clothing and wear it merely to escape bail conditions!

1 comment:

  1. Ive heard Jews don't really run the Jewish Defence League is it true?
