Monday 28 May 2012

EDL Leader A Fake Scholar Of Islam

The Yorkshire EDL Leeds Division posted a link to a video in which EDL leader Tommy Robinson discusses and debates with someone about terrorism and Islam. Seriously?

When did Tommy Robinson become a scholar of Islam?

Yep. The intelligence of the EDL's 'scholar of Islam'

But despite this severe lack of knowledge, EDL supporters tend to listen to him like a pack of sheep.

Islamophobes don’t listen to people who have more credential about Islam, like real scholars of Islam, but rely on bias and hateful sources that are most likely to have a hidden agenda. We've seen many of these fake scholars before.

Further reading:
  1. Hasn't Read A Quran And Calls Imam's "Inam's" - Meet The EDL Leader


  1. The EDL Stockport Division has also shared the same video. Goes to show how they all follow eachother blindly

  2. Are they a cult?
