Saturday 12 May 2012

EDL Manchester Division Lie About Vandalism

The EDL’s Manchester Division posted a an image on their Facebook blaming the MDL (Muslim Defence League, a group made in counter to the EDL). The accusation doesn’t make sense though

Notice 'EDL' on the left and 'BNP' on the top right.

Why it makes no sense

  1. Why would a Muslim write EDL and BNP?
  2. As we’ve seen before, the EDL have been known to do a bit of vandalism themselves, like at this protest...

  3. When’s the last time you saw a Muslim with a nickname called ‘Stones’?
  4. Many EDL members are former BNP members too! Even the EDL leader was a former BNP member!
We’ve caught this Division red-handed, who unethically blamed a case of vandalism on the innocent to ‘stir up racial hatred’ themselves.

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