Thursday 23 August 2012

EDL Irrationality: The ‘Evils Of Islam’

The English Defence League (EDL) have strong links in the Islamophobia network, and hence, have the mindset that nothing great ever comes out of Islam or Muslims. They purport this idea into the masses. The EDL leader Tommy Robinson has also said the phrase various times.

But how rational is this claim? It isn’t.

Why? We can bang on about the evils of any religion. We can attribute events in history and atrocities committed by people to religion, simply because it’s easy to do so. But when it comes to Islam, the Islamophobia network jump on the bandwagon and start playing the blame-game.

Would it be rational for us to define Christianity by the violent Crusaders we saw during the conquests of Jerusalem? Would it be rational for us to define Buddhism because of the Buddhists in Burma for what they have done to the Muslim minority in the recent sectarian clashes? Would be rational for us to blame Judaism for the acts of the JDL Zionists who attempted 5 terrorist attacks in the U.S? Would be rational for us to blame Hinduism for the violent acts committed during the Hindu-Christian clashes in India? No.

So why does Islam get special treatment by the EDL?

We cannot forget that ‘militant Islam’ (something the EDL claims to be against) does not define what Islam is. These militants are merely a tiny minority (like the minority of extremists that come in all faiths and beliefs). So it’s a stupid generalisation to blame the whole faith due to the actions of a few. It’s also interesting to know that the Islamic Prophet Muhammad said “Ruined are the extremists” (Hadith Muslim) and “Beware of extremism in religion” (Sunan Nasai, Musnad Ahmed).

To purport the claim about the ‘evils of Islam’, would be to also say that giving money to charity, treating parents with kindness, helping the environment, treating animals with dignity, doing the Jihad of the self (the theology to strive for inner personal improvement) as evil too.

In conclusion, to keep barking on about the ‘evils of Islam’ is an idiotic one. If of course, it were true, then the world would be a very different place. But this claim is also an Islamophobic and bias one that is regularly propagated by the Islamophobia network. They too, are promoting their views for their personal and political agendas.

Similar to what we’ve seen in WWII when Nazism was more widespread, these bias groups and individuals have a narrow mindset, and they are influencing others like pawns to believe in what they want to. It’s politics mixed with BS.

Further reading:
  1. Why The EDL Is Islamophobic

1 comment:

  1. these islamophobes all preach the same sh*t its embarassing!
