Monday, 3 September 2012

Kevin Carroll’s Irrationality At Walthamstow

The English Defence League (EDL) leadership was incompetent at the Walthamstow protest. And it seems that one of them was also very irrational too when a brick was thrown at the speaker area. EDL joint leader Kevin Carroll stepped in and shouted (0.16 seconds in),
Quote: ‘There lies your religion of peace, anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, anti-Democracy…’

Was he trying to imply that the anti-EDL opposition was Muslim? They weren’t, and he knew that because they were right in front of him. The anti-EDL opposition consisted of people of all faiths, backgrounds and origins. He generalised and irrationally blamed a whole religion because one anonymous person threw a brick!

A video also surfaced of the Carroll preaching about Islam at the back of a bus (here). He uses the same mindless narrative.

Video courtesy: VICE

1 comment:

  1. I remember Kev calling Pam Geller a jew bitch when she slated EDL for dropping Roberta Moore of the EDL Jewish Division.
