Saturday 15 September 2012

SION 911 Conference Brings Wrong Newspapers

On September the 11th, Tommy Robinson and Kevin Carroll from the leadership of the English Defence League (EDL) attended a ‘911 World Freedom Congress’ in New York. Islamophobic blogger Pamela Geller was quick to share on her blog,
Quote: ‘Mr. Carroll dramatically held up some British newspapers with headlines that are testimony to the degree of Muslim influence the British are living under today and the loss of their individual freedoms. These brave gents refuse to leave their homes in spite of the fact that their country is now in the second stage of Islamic transformation.’

Not only do we find the typical fear-mongering rhetoric used in the far-right Islamophobia network, but we also find a lot of discrepancy in regards to the stories Carroll used to describe how Muslims are ‘influencing’ Britain.

The first story entitled “No Right to Wear a Cross at Work”, was about Christians wanting to be able to wear the cross at work. It was not related to Muslims, but Christians and the government. The second piece “Speak Up for Christianity PM Tells Archbishop”, simply reported that PM David Cameron called on the Church to defend the 'values and moral code' of the Bible.

To say these stories proves that Muslims are ‘influencing’ Britain is ridiculous and outright stupid. Did Carroll bring the wrong newspapers?

Further reading:
  1. EDL Uses Express and Mail to Highlight Christian Complaints at SION Conference

1 comment:

  1. Lol it wasn't even a proper convention, it was merely a room.
